Think Before You Speak (or Type)

I learned something from my experience(s), I always remember a quote that mention about our emotion. The main point is : don't let your emotion control you.

At first, it feels like hell, because I am the type of person who always speak up. Sometimes it's good, but I think mostly not. Until oneday I am at that position, listen to other's opinion (but in a really bad way), it hurts a lot. (Human.. always like that, won't understand until through it)

Since that time, I always try to control my tongue & mouth, trying to re-think before speak or give some input, trying to listen more to other - trying to not give some opinion, input, or idea before they let me (before that, I am already a good listener, but yeah.. human, the basic feeling to give others input what it's best for them, but actualy, not really or always)

What I learned? Actually, I realized it! How?

There a scene where I feel like a stranger, I am at another circle, my boyfriend's. His friends are really different, not like mine. They are talking about so many things, another level, talking about future, business, and career. But there's a moment that I feel like, I really want to comment about one person, because I feel like this person is really so unusual, flexing? Maybe, but I choose to hold it, I kept it, I'm telling myself to just keep it, just smile and trying to be enjoy the atmosphere.

THANK GOD! I DIDN'T TELL IT TO EVERYONE (even my boyfriend) hahahaha. Why? Because the day after that day, we are having lunch some where & that person sat next to me. I can't imagine if I tell her or to others too about what inside my head, my opinion, or whatever. That afternoon will become so awkward or maybe worst.

I knew, my story is so unclear, but I want to tell you lots of things.

1. If you try to understand yourself, listen to yourself, trying to be "open minded" - see something or problem or anything from so many point of view (but you should prepare yourself with knowledge too), from my experience, I can say.. I WILL CHANGE YOURLIFE and also the bonus is you can avoid a tragedy that can make yourself in trouble.

2. Think before you speak (or type). In this digital era, we can get contact with others not only by meeting in person, but also by online (by leaving comment in their social media).

If there's something unsual, better you keep it first, just put it inside your braind and heart, see the condition, ask yourself : is it ok if tell him/her about what I think? Will it hurt their feelings? is it proper? etc. Try to put yourself in their shoes.

Because this part, can save you and others from something bad.

Bad? Really? Yup! You don't know them really well & you tell them something really hurt (maybe for you that's just nothing, but maybe for them that's so DEEP). That can be really hurt. You might "kill" them with your words. You don't want to be treated like that, right? So it's ok to control yours. 

I don't say that you can't be speak up. But please, be mature, try to read the atmosphere & condition. Is is proper huh? 

3. Try to speak or tell something POSITIVE --- MANIFEST.

But please don't be over positive - can become toxic. Something too much is not good right? It can be toxic too.

Remember, what you feel is also LEGIT. If you feel sad and want to cry, just be at that moment, enjoy that feeling, but remember to stand up again. Because, you need to be happy too, right? You can't be at that state for long time. Time will not waiting for you and it won't come back, you're not a Doraemon who has a time machine.

I mean.. if you tell something good, trying to be a nice person, at least for yourself, for your own good, you can bring so many good opportunity, so many good friends & things. You won't believe it unti you try and through it. Believe it or not, you won't realize it until it past (when you're old enough, you will reflect or rethink again about the past & suddenly you realize it)

4. Be grateful because you're beyond blessed.

I believe I'm more than lucky but beyond blessed. Yeah, at some point, lucky is also a recipe to achieve something. But I prefer bless.

See something from another point of view. You will realize that you're so more than just a lucky person. Just a simple thing, you're still alive, you can breath no need to pay for an oxygen tank, you can eat two or three times a day and no need to work extra for just one meal, you still have someone who can look after you everyday, etc.

Please, just stop compare with others, focus with what you have now and focus with what you can achieve from what you aim for.

It's good if you have a "super star" to be your benchmark so you can see your progress. But when you compare your life to others from their social media, IMO that's normal but also stupid, it won't end just like that, you start make yourself look so sad. Why? Because you don't know what they have been through, the BTS when they posted in social media.

Remember, you can't always make others happy, like what they want. Maybe you can, but how about you? Are you happy? Is that person important for you? Ask yourself. You can't please everyone.

Thank you.

It's my random thought, I know my english is not really good, but at least, I'm trying right? It's one step ahead than someone who don't try. I'm trying to share something everyday and also because I don't want to miss a single best moment that I learned.
