Our Mother Earth is not Okay

 I think most of you already knew about this issue. But maybe some of you think, how is not okay? How far? Is it really a serious think?

disclaimer : I'm not an expert into this topic, but I saw some of videos and activies talked about it.

Why it's not ok?

Our mother earth is getting hotter. It's not sexy but it's crazy.

Do you guys realize these past few days or weeks or maybe months, the weather is getting unpredictable? Sometimes, too hot or too cold, this month should be another season but it's not changing, suddenly riany but felt so hot, etc.

We heard from news, our farmers had to experience crop failure, dry season getting longer, floading everywhere, the North Pole getting smaller because the iceberg is melting, the list of extinct animals is getting more and more, our forest suddenly on fire because the weather is extreamly hot - one more time  <<EXTREAMLY HOT!>> and etc.

Can you imagine? Do you believe it is because God sends all of these to us? Maybe. Because what we did to our mother earth. But I believe, there are so many reasons why all of these happen.

You don't believe it? Google it and you'll find so many news or articles about it. It's a global issue and we should stick together to make it better. 8 years is a long time? NO! We may stay alive, but is it worth to be living in? You choose.

What should we do? One person doing a small thing maybe it is just nothing, it's just a waste of time and energy. Yeah, it's right. But, I believe when we are doing it together, we can make a big impact. We can influence other to join in this action.

Like what??


What can we do to our mother earth?

1. Reduce - reuse - recycle

Sounds familiar right? But it has a big impact!

Sorting your trash! From this action, you can realize how many trashes you make to our earth, you can start thinking to reflect it and think how to reduce it.

Be creative! You can start reuse everything from something like from an empty bottle, you can make something! Like pencil case, if you like plant, you can use it as a pot, etc. Don't believe it? Go check some tutorials from Youtube. You can get new ideas from there or make a new one!

Thrifting! From this action, you can find so many hidden gems! At first maybe hard, but once you did it, I think you can't stop it! You can save lots of money too!

2. Influence others

Start from your family. It's your first circle. Everything start from your family, in your house. Maybe it's hard to educate the older, they may don't believe you, they won't heard you, but I believe you can influence your parents. Just do it, show them that you're being serious about your action, don't stop remind them about what you did, show them until it's finish!

for example, my simple action, fyi in my country, we don't really sorting our trash, so I am trying so hard to educate my parents to at least give me everytime the have plastics that they don't use it anymore. They don't need to clean it. I'll do it! At first, they always forget about it, so I always remind them, sometimes I complain to them, I took it from the garbage, I clean it, I show them my process, I put it at one place until it become a lot, I send it to the waste bank (thank God, our country already have some waste bank nearest, and some platforms already provided it and because it's not that far, so it's free! I don't need to go to the waste bank, but there is someone who can pick up it. So easy!

And oneday, my parents realize, it's a good thing, so they support me (well, still.. sometimes, they forget about it too, but it's ok, I always remind them again and again), whenever they have plastics that they don't use it anymore, they give it to me.

But, it needs process. I need to tell them, what kind of plastics that I can send it to the waste bank. From this opportunity, I educate them. It can be bottle (plastics & glasses I receive it! - I told them the examples), plastic bag, bubble wrap, from the soaps packaging, etc. So they can understand and remember me whenever they want to throw it.

3. Use public transport

Again, my country is a developing country. Our public transport it's not like any developed country. So it might not really convenient for some people. The facilities might not that complete, but right now it's so much better! Believe me!

for example : Transjakarta Bus. The scale is getting bigger and near to some people residence. Price? Cheap! Rp 3.500,- FLAT! As long as you don't go out from the area.

So in my opinion, we can reduce personal transport. (FYI, again.. in my country, there're so many people using personal car & motorcycle). Since it can be eficien and save lots of cost! Why? when you have a personal car or at least motorcycle, you need to refill the fuel, when you park your vehicle you need to pay the parking fee, when you need to use the high way/toll there is a toll fee(s), there is a schedule to maintain your vehicle too, tax, etc.

I am not into it. You may say I'm poor or can not afford it, but it's ok. It may be right or not. Cause I don't care.

Because, I can enjoy the time while the driver is driving. I can do something else and I don't need to pay something extra for something I don't need to, I can be focus to others.

BUT, I don't againt if you NEED car or motorcycle, why? Because I believe, you already count it. From lots of perspective. But, use it  wisely.

4. Bring your own bag

Thank God, in Jakarta, right now, whenever you go to shop (mini market or super market), they don't provide any plastic bags anymore, you must bring your own shopping bags or you can buy it directly.

And so many things you can do to help our mother earth. I f you feel stuck, you can search it! We have google and youtube right? If you have another good idea, please leave a comment down below! You can help others to get some new ideas.

It's so hard to start a new habit? Make it easy and obvious! (if you like reading, find a book with a title : Atomic Habits or find the point by searching it)

Thank you for reading it. I hope from this post, we can start doing something positive and spread positive things to others and make good impact to our mother earth!

Have a great day and God bless!
